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Pro Tools Project Management

This guide will show you a few ways to keep your Pro Tools ses­sions tidier and make record­ing and mix­ing easier.



1. If this win­dow pops up when you open your project, click on Open I/​O setup.

2. Import the default I/​O pro­file for that room. This will stop your track inputs and out­puts form get­ting greyed out


In The Box:

1. If you are doing all your mix­ing inside Pro Tools, then set the out­put for all your tracks to a stereo pair of out­puts, such as 1+2. Alternatively, you can send the tracks to output down a new stereo bus track, then send this to a stereo pair of outputs.

2. Make sure that those faders are being sent to the mix bus, then bring up faders 1+2.


Con­sole Mixing:

1. If you want to bring each track in Pro Tools out on a dif­fer­ent fader to take advan­tage of our ana­logue mix­ing con­soles, assign each track to a separate out­put, then bring up the fader on the desk match­ing that output.


Aux Tracks:

1. Cre­ate a new track and set it to an Aux Input instead of an audio track.

You can make the track mono or stereo depend­ing on if you want to pan audio within the track.

An exam­ple of this would be a stereo reverb, or if you you cre­ated a drum sum track and wanted to pan your over­heads with in the aux track.

2. Set the input of this track to an unused mono or stereo bus.

You can get audio to the aux either through a bus send or you assign the out­put of the audio track to the bus that inputs onto the aux.

This depends on if you want to send the entire track, or if you want to send audio to the aux while main­tain­ing an unaf­fected signal.


Bus Sends:

1. You would use a bus send if you wanted to send audio to the track but keep your orig­i­nal audio as well. For exam­ple for par­al­lel pro­cess­ing, or if you wanted to send the audio to a reverb.

To cre­ate the bus send, go to the track you want to send, click on bus sends, and select the bus going to the aux track.

2. The bus send level fader will pop up, pull up this fader to send more sig­nal to the aux.

By default this is post the track fader, but can be changed to pre fader by click­ing the pre but­ton at the top of the fader.


Sum Tracks:

1. By set­ting the out­put of sev­eral tracks to a bus instead of an out­put on the sound­card, you can use the aux track to con­trol the level of, and apply pro­cess­ing to all the tracks routed that aux at once.

This is an effi­cient way of work­ing and can dras­ti­cally reduce CPU usage by decreas­ing your total num­ber of plugins.



1. Using the colour palette win­dow allows you to change the colour of clips, groups, and tracks.

To do this, open the colour palette by going to Win­dow, Colour Palette.

2. Select the object you want to change the colour of, then select the colour on the palette.

You can use the drop down menu to change what the colour change will effect.



1. Set­ting up groups allows you to effect mul­ti­ple tracks at once.

To add tracks to a group, select the tracks you want to group, then press cmd+G on the keyboard.

To select mul­ti­ple track as once, hold cmd while click­ing on the names of the tracks.

2. On the groups win­dow that pops up, name the group and assign an id.

The id allows the group to be acti­vated and deac­ti­vated by press­ing that key, allow­ing you to quickly swap between chang­ing indi­vid­ual mem­bers of the group and the group as a whole.

You can also turn groups on and off by click­ing on them in the bot­tom left cor­ner of the mix window.


Types of Groups:

1. Pro Tools gives you the option of mak­ing groups Mix, Edit, or Mix/​Edit. Mix groups are effected by func­tion on the mix win­dow such a fader posi­tion changes, mute, and solo.

Edit groups react to the move­ment of regions, automa­tion, and fade changes.



1. If you have recorded new audio into the Pro Tools ses­sion and want to copy and con­sol­i­date every­thing into one folder, go to File, Save A Copy In, then make sure you have audio files ticked.

If you have not added any audio into your ses­sion you can safely use Save As to make a copy of just the Pro Tools file.


Back­ing up Projects:

1. Make sure you do not leave any impor­tant files on the desk­top as they will be deleted.

After you have fin­ished with a ses­sion, move your ses­sion folder either into the audio drive on the com­puter or to an exter­nal drive.

Drag over the whole folder not just the .ptx file.


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