This guide will explain how to use a DI Box to record into Pro Tools through the Audient ASP8024-HE.
Patching the Microphone:
1. Connect a jack cable from your guitar/bass/synth to the jack input of the DI box.
2. Connect an XLR to the output of the DI box.
3. Connect the output XLR to the stagebox in the live room using an XLR Cable.
It is also possible to record in the control room by connecting the XLR directly to the desk input on the XLR patchbay.
4. Using an XLR patch cable, patch the feed from the live room into the next available desk mic input on the XLR patchbay.
Setting up the desk:
1. At the top of the channel strip press the button labelled ‘1’ in the ‘Bus Routing’ section. This sends the channel down bus 1 and in turn sets the channel input in Pro Tools as 1.
2. DI boxes require phantom power (+48v) so click in the red 48V button.
3. Next gradually turn the mic pre gain clockwise till you achieve a suitable level. Use the VU meter at the top of the channel strip for reference.
4. Push up the mic/short fader – this sends the signal to Pro Tools.
If you want to send the mic signal to the mix bus so you can listen to it in the control room before it gets to Pro Tools, press the mix button.
5. Push up the Mix Bus fader to 0dB.
You should then see the mix bus meter at the top of the desk above the fader start showing the signal in the mix bus.
Pro Tools:
1. In Pro Tools create a new audio track by pressing cmd+shift+N, or going Track, New Track, and create a new audio track.
2. On the new track in Pro Tools, set the input of the track so it matches the bus number you sent the track to, so if you bus is set to 1, the signal will appear in input 1 in Pro Tools.
3. Click the I to enable input monitoring on the track and make sure it is record armed by clicking the circle on the track so it flashes red.
4. Click the record arm button on the transport bar of Pro Tools and press play when you are ready to record.